Suffering Turned to Blessing


John 9:1-3  (KJV)

And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.

And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?

Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.


Here we see Jesus confront a man who has been blind since birth. Back in those times and in the Old Testament, it was said that if you had disabilities or any diseases it was due to a sin that one caused or a generational curse that was passed to the person. 

That wasn’t the case for the blind man. It wasn’t his past that made him the blind man that he was, But the purpose that God put in him. So God can be glorified in his disabilities. His pain brought a purpose in his life. 

In these times one might be uncertain what is next in their lives. Or why are they going through so much trouble and tribulation. One thing is guaranteed, everything that you are going through will not be left in vain God will use it to Glorify his name and to lift up others like never before. 

God will turn your troubles into testimony, your pain into purpose, your disability into ability to reach those that couldn’t be reached. 

One thing Jesus is trying to teach us not to be hindered by our problem because when we overcome it , we will help be people’s solution.

The question we should always ask ourselves is not why am I going through this, but what is God going to do with this?


  • What are some things you are going through that you feel you can’t overcome?

  • Has there been a time that you have felt like giving up?

  • What are ways in which we can strengthen our faith?


Pray and declare strength, reinforcement, and certainty over your group. That God brings them wisdom in this time like never before. A certainty and understanding that what God has started He will finish!