His Will, Not Ours
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42
The Bible says that Jesus did not want to go to the cross, because He knew it would be painful. HOWEVER, Jesus knew that God's plan was the only way for us to have an opportunity to know God the Father, He humbled himself. He took the pain do you didn't have too.
Jesus set out in His heart before He was born to do the will of the father, even if it wasn't fun.
The thing was that even though He endured the cross, HE ROSE on the third day. He beat something we couldn't forever. Now we just have to carry our cross daily because He already paid a price we couldn't.
Is the cross heavy? Yes! Will you get tired? Yes!
But since you are doing the will of the father He will give you the strength to make it to the end. You can get through this when your honest with him?
What is stopping you from being honest with Him?
He needs you to be real with Him.
The moment your honest with Him is the moment you see results in your life.
What do you think His will for your life is?
What do you think a real relationship with God is?
Are there things you haven’t brought to God's attention ? If so, what has you holding back ?
Are you afraid He can't handle your honesty?
Pray to begin to live life the way the lord intended you to live it when he made you.
Do a salvation prayer.
Ask for conviction. Ask for His perfect will for your life. Get ready for blessings.