Enlighten with Love

(Week of June 29 - July 3 )


‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:23-26‬ ‭ - “Stay away from all the foolish arguments of the immature, for these disputes will only generate more conflict. For a true servant of our Lord Jesus will not be argumentative but gentle toward all and skilled in helping others see the truth, having great patience toward the immature. Then with meekness you’ll be able to carefully enlighten those who argue with you so they can see God’s gracious gift of repentance and be brought to the truth. This will cause them to rediscover themselves and escape from the snare of Satan who caught them in his trap so that they would carry out his purposes.”


In these verses we see the Apostle Paul is advising his disciple Timothy. Timothy was living in a world full of conflict, the church was dividing because of arguments & controversy. Sounds kind of like the world we live in today full of conflict, arguments & controversy. 

He reminds Timothy that people are sometimes not in their senses because they are under the snare of the enemy. The type of people he is referring to are “immature” people. A person under Satan's trap. Paul reminds him of the  Goal— the goal is to be a servant of Jesus. What he describes that means is someone who is gentle toward all and skilled in helping others. That means keeping the peace with others and keeping the door open to be able to influence them. This does not mean we accept every single thing and never defend the truth. But let’s keep in mind the crowd he is dealing with —  he’s advising him about people that are immature & under Satan's trap. When we win them over with love,  kindness, gentleness & meekness, as this verse states. ONLY then can “ they see God’s gracious gift of repentance and be brought to the truth. This will cause them to rediscover themselves and escape from the snare of Satan who caught them in his trap so that they would carry out his purposes.” Vs. 26 As Christians that is our final Goal. Let’s keep our eyes on it! 


  • How do you imagine a Servant of God’s character must be?

  • How can you create influence over others?

  • In your dealings with people, have you seen the fruit of taking on a gentle and loving approach in conflicting situations? 


Prayer to have the character of a servant of God. Using love & influence to lead them to the truth.