JESUS = HOPE! (Post Conference Feels)
First of all how amazing was conference?! Believe me when I tell you I am fired up, this weekend was so needed, after such a crazy year (so far) we can rely on the fact that God has us in mind - always! I’m believing that God’s presence is still reaching out to people, even as we go back to real life. God bless you SYA, God bless all our volunteers, God bless our house SDV and our Bishop Ruddy Gracia. Till next year!
MATTHEW 12:15-21 Jesus, knowing they were out to get him, moved on. A lot of people followed him, and he healed them all. He also cautioned them to keep it quiet, following guidelines set down by Isaiah:
Look well at my handpicked servant;
I love him so much, take such delight in him.
I’ve placed my Spirit on him;
he’ll decree justice to the nations.
But he won’t yell, won’t raise his voice;
there’ll be no commotion in the streets.
He won’t walk over anyone’s feelings,
won’t push you into a corner.
Before you know it, his justice will triumph;
the mere sound of his name will signal hope, even
among far-off unbelievers.
There’s so much to be thankful for when we think of Jesus, but even post-conference, after experiencing a literal church-wide victory. It’s important to dive into the name of Jesus.
The bible says he healed others in silence, in alleyways, without force, without an issue. Jesus was and will continue to be someone we can always look to as an example.
How should we behave post-conference? Like Jesus. But I’m on fire and ready to take on the world! That’s amazing, take the world on, but do it like Jesus. Our eyes should never focus on what we can do with the hope-bringer’s name, our eyes should focus on what God can do through us. When you go back to work, if you go back to school - pray for others, don’t raise your voice, don’t make a show, let God be glorified through your action.
And maybe, when they see your life, hear your testimony, they’ll realize the answer is the name.
The name of Jesus
What can you do to being others hope?
How did someone first reach out to you?
How do you feel post-conference, are you ready to take on the world yet?
Salvation prayer.
Pray for any requests.
Pray for practical ideas, strategies to reach others.