Nearly A Week After Conference
It took nearly a year to plan, months to organize, weeks to rehearse and in a moment, it's over. Faith Hope Love was everything we had been praying about and more. Recently, I've found myself thinking about this conference a lot more than the others. It felt real, it felt true, and most importantly it felt ours. What I love about this year is that it felt necessary, every word, every testimony, it felt like we got exactly what we needed. SYA is on the forefront of where God needs us to be, and we can only go up from here. The bible says, "God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade." Another translation defines this as going from "glory to glory," that's exactly what I'm believing for SYA that this will be the benchmark, the foundation that we can continue to build upon. God gives us the ability to create what we imagine, it's our responsibility to create things that glorify and exalt Him. Paul writes in Colossians, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as if it was for the Lord and not for men." I think we did just that. So to every volunteer, every leader that came to rehearse, to do their part, thank you. Your church thanks you, your pastors thank you.
All the seeds have been planted, the messages have been heard and our hands were lifted, now we can really get started on what Faith, Hope and Love actually mean to us. My hope is that we'd keep in mind our Faith that can break bonds. Our joy, trust and patience that can be woven together to create the fabric of Hope we need. And most importantly the Love in knowing that if God can save us, as flawed and imperfect as we are, who are we to deny it to others? We look forward to hearing the testimonies and the stories about conference, services, anything really. You can click here to send it to us along with any suggestions, ideas, etc. If you're still reading at this point, thank you again for being a part of our conference. And also for bearing with me and how nervous I was in the first few minutes of my message. Once I realized I was in front of my SYA family I quickly got over it. Love you all, FHL preachings will be up on our SYA Youtube channel next week.